Case Studies

Discover the Success Story of Innsbruck’s Nordkettenbahnen
Find out how they reached a 6-digit revenue with bookingkit:
- New packages for end customers – especially in combination with their gastronomy or external partners
- Significant increase in sales and reach – better customer experience and cooperation with partners from bookingkit’s network
- Direct access at the turnstile – no more long waiting times and direct access via the system for guests

Discover the Success Story of Castle of Gropparello
With bookingkit, direct bookings account for +90%:
- Instant cashout – ticket pre-sale guarantees a steady cash flow, even in case of bad weather or no-show
- Significant increase in sales and reach – better customer experience, up-selling and partnership opportunities
- Simplified daily operations – all important operational tasks are automated. Timely native language support

How GIDS IN ROME uses bookingkit reach Marketplace to attract more partners and expand their sales network
Discover how GIDS IN ROME managed to develop their own sales network smoothly and quickly thanks to our brand new and intuitive bookingkit reach Marketplace.
In this in-depth study, we dive into:
- The major challenges they were facing before starting to use our tool
- How our solution helped them connect with multiple local resellers and thus expand their distribution network
- The outstanding results achieved until today
Blog Posts

Case Studies
Innsbruck’s Nordkettenbahnen: their success story with bookingkit
Digital ascent: How Innsbruck's Nordkettenbahnen revolutionised their visitor experience and sales with bookingkit In the heart of Austria, where the mountains touch the sky, the Innsbruck's Nordkettenbahnen have undergone a remarkable transformation For over a century, this excursion ...

Case Studies
How Castle of Gropparello optimised their revenue with bookingkit
Are you a leisure provider Do you own an attraction in Europe and are looking for a way to attract thousands of visitors worldwide and efficiently scale your business Then we suggest that you continue reading to discover the latest success story from Castle of Gropparello, one of bookingkit’s ...

Case Studies
OneDayChef: Interview with Matteo Ferroni
Can you introduce yourself and your company I am Matteo Ferroni, I am a chef and I manage a cooking school in Rome; I organize cooking classes with important chefs for the Italian public and I personally do cooking classes for foreign tourists on holiday in my city (Source: wwwonedaychefit) Why ...