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The Zoo & Aquarium visitor experience of the future: The 10 most important booking features around tickets, visitors & occupancy.

Tips & Advice


Frank Scheibe


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Online tickets, instant access and all information always at hand! No other area of the in-destination activities industry has changed and digitized as dynamically in recent months as have attractions and cultural institutions. For zoos & aquariums in particular, it is now important to improve the visitor experience in all its facets through the newly-discovered digital possibilities, simplify processes and thus position themselves for the future. All these tasks are important booking features of every zoo and aquarium digital journey.

We have summarized how to recognize a software solution that is suitable for these tasks in a short checklist.

Tickets & vouchers – all booking features in one central platform

1. Customizable ticket categories

A modern ticketing solution must, of course, first map all existing ticket categories. Whether for adults, children, concessions or even annual passes. What is equally important when choosing software. However, is the degree of flexibility it offers to create new ticket categories and to make these options available throughout all sales channels.

2. Tickets for different group sizes

Group tickets are also a standard feature of booking systems like bookingkit. However, zoo and aquarium operators also get the option here to set minimum and maximum group sizes themselves. Also to adjust them very easily depending on their preferences.

3. Exclusive & public zoo tours

The bookability of both public and exclusive zoo or aquarium tours, whether throughout the entire facility or for a specific themed area, is another important module. The prerequisite for this is the clear display of currently-available places and the targeted deployment of personnel. Software solutions provide a wide range of functions for this purpose.

4. Zoo events as a visitor attraction

The start of vacation season, summer festivals and Children’s Day, or targeted awareness campaigns about animal and species protection are important marketing tools for a zoo or aquarium. Such events create awareness and encourage previous guests to visit again. On the software side, events have to be implemented in addition to standard ticket types.Also require the reservation of specific areas or rooms. The bookingkit resource management enables exactly this scenario!

5. Vouchers for new target groups

For both zoos and aquariums, bookingkit offers a complete solution for the implementation of vouchers from creation to sales and redemption. Vouchers are particularly well-suited to reach new target groups as they are great gift ideas. They can also be used to implement discount campaigns, e.g. to optimize capacity utilization.

Important: Revenues from voucher sales are directly available. Even if the vouchers have not yet been redeemed, which means more instant liquidity.

Successful visitor management

6. 100% synchronized availabilities 

To offer both online bookings and on-site sales, it comes down to one fundamental requirement: The 100% synchronous display of available tickets across all sales channels. This includes online channels, such as your own homepage, the physical ticket counter at the entrance, but also regional ticket stores, among others.

7. Fast and reliable processes

Thanks to digitization, the vast majority of processes related to zoo or aquarium visits can be automated very easily. These include time slot tickets, flexible pricing, cancellation management and resource management. Automated guest communication, particularly via email, reduces possible manual errors and saves valuable time.

8. Smooth admission management

Whether printed or digital passes, whether redeemed at a ticket booth or turnstile – all valid tickets should grant visitors direct & easy access. bookingkit not only offers options for ticket scanning via handheld or smartphone app. We also cooperates with the most important international turnstile systems to enable a seamless redemption experience.

9. Flexible integration into existing systems

Zoos and aquariums today can easily and quickly adapt a new, modern ticketing software solution without interrupting pre-established processes or disrupting operations. All that is needed are the right digital interfaces. The software provider’s wealth of experience with other zoos, parks and gardens increases the reliability of the implementation.

Note: The connection with other software applications, such as e-mail marketing and accounting is becoming a “must”!

10. National and international sales partners

With the right presence on as many sales platforms as possible, operators can easily reach new visitors, whether international or spontaneous on-site. bookingkit offers for this purpose a directly integrated plug-and-play package for additional sales via the most important international platforms, such as Google Things to Do, GetYourGuide and Tripadvisor, among many others. 

A future-proof booking features foundation for zoos & aquariums

No queues

Binding online presale, time slot tickets and seamless ticket redemption

Better utilization

Audience flow management through ticket categories, vouchers and flexible prices

More comfort  

Optimal overall experience for visitors from booking to admission

bookingkit offers zoos and aquariums the full range of services for a modern future-proof business strategy – from reliable ticket sales to smooth processes and optimized utilization.

Satisfied customers throughout Europe


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Frank Scheibe

Frank is a tours and activities industry expert. He reports on the latest facts, figures and trends in the bookingkit blog and the bookingkit newsletter. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his kids and family, playing sports and eating good food.

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