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bookingkit Launches Digital Ticket Sales for Museums and Exhibitions in Europe

Industry & Trends


Vanessa Judas


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BERLIN, August 27, 2018 — bookingkit is expanding its service offerings in Europe with the addition of digital ticket sales for museums and exhibitions. The new service, set to initially launch in Berlin, Vienna and other major European cities, represents a move into yet another strategic area of the travel activities market for bookingkit and serves to solidify the SaaS provider and enabler’s leading position in the tours and activities industry.

bookingkit, Germany’s leading SaaS solution for digitalized tours and activities, now offers digital ticket sales for museums, enabling visitors to skip lines entirely and easily book their tickets online — either in advance for specific dates in the future or on the very day of their visit. Especially for special exhibitions and popular events, the digital ticket sales service allows museums to reduce lines and waiting times considerably.
The new bookingkit mobile app’s integrated scanner provides fast ticket verification to ensure visitors are admitted quickly and easily.

The new service is already in use by internationally renowned museums and exhibitions, including the newly-opened Museum of Illusions in Berlin and Vienna’s Chocolate Museum.  These will soon be joined by the Märkisches Museum, one of five museum facilities belonging to the Berlin City Museum complex.
This new service comes at a time when digital ticket sales are of particular importance for Europe’s museums: the latest statistical survey conducted by the German Institute for Museum Research shows a decline in visits to Germany’s museums. Among the reasons for the decline is a lack of digitalization and the opportunities provided by digital technologies.

“bookingkit allows us to sell tickets digitally and provide our users with a modern and convenient way to access everything our museum has to offer. The fact that we could easily integrate the service into our existing website was a big reason why we decided to work with bookingkit,” said Michael Posh, Director of the Museum of Illusions in Berlin.

“We are thrilled to be working with bookingkit to further digitalize our museum and its collections,” said Marcus Kieper, Director of Business at the Berlin City Museum. “This is a great way for us to better engage younger audiences and tourists in the future and get them interested in learning more about our city’s exciting history.”
“With this new service, we’re expanding our portfolio to cover yet another important area in the tours and activities industry. And we’re solidifying our position as Germany’s leading provider of technology and infrastructure for the sale, management and marketing of tours and activities,” said Lukas C. C. Hempel, Founder and Managing Director of bookingkit.

The German Institute for Museum Research has been producing the Statistical Survey of all German Museums in collaboration with the German Museum Association since 1981.


Vanessa Judas

Vanessa is an expert in the activities industry and a member of the online marketing team at bookingkit. When she\\\'s not looking for current trends and the latest tips and tricks from the leisure industry, she likes to be active and to explore the hotspots of Berlin.

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